Saturday, October 26, 2013


As I continue to write blog posts about our family, and our daughters getting older, I am thankful for my blog friends. I have been reading some of your blogs for 8 years, since I started blogging, and you have been regular readers for a while. As my girls grow and my life as a mom changes, it's nice to see you women, moms, still close to your children, but in a different way now that they don't live with you. I am also grateful for the advice you drop in on my blog like appreciate the girls, and my time with them, as it will soon be the exception. I appreciate the experience and advice. I am grateful to have "met" you wonderful ladies who share your wisdom with me. Thank you.


Pam said...

Yes, one thinks that having small children will last forever but alas... time whizzes on and looking back, it seems like a lovely episode in life...

Thimbleanna said...

And just the same, we love reading about your experiences with your girls still home and remembering fondly what it was like. Oh, to have those days back again! The days ahead for you are good too, just in a different way!