Saturday, November 12, 2011

Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day has always been important to me. Primarily due to my wonderful grandfather. He was a WWII veteran. He was in the Navy, the Seabees/C.B.s His primary location was the Philippine Islands. He was on a construction force that would go into the islands and prepare the area for our soldiers to come in. They were instructed, at first, to only fire on the enemy to protect what they built, then they would fight. He saw a lot of combat. His stories he told, when we were kids, were interesting, but I didn't listen as closely as I should-heck, now, I would take notes!! Now that he's been gone for twelve years, now that I'm teaching Social Studies, I miss him even more. I would have loved to have him come talk to my classes. They would have loved listening to him. I miss him a lot.

I have other veterans in my life, family friends, second cousins, a great uncle who died on the beaches of Normandy, and one of my close cousins and her husband who retired from service yesterday, fittingly on Veteran's Day.

I am thankful for those who protect and serve.

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