Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Last of the photos from the scavenger hunt

I have previously posted my photos for the scavenger hunt at Postcards, but still had three more to post before the sadness hit my household. Here are the last three (keep in mind these were taken on my phone, so the quality isn't as good):
a park bench-there are two, on both sides of the big, old pine

a big truck (I posted two: I took a picture of the UPS truck but it was rather far away, and a bit blurry. Then I saw the second truck on my street.)

and a bridge

Hope you've enjoyed my photos! :)


molly said...

You are a lot more on the ball than me! I still haven't finished with January's List! Love the bridge...

Thimbleanna said...

You're SO organized! I haven't even started this month -- it's going to be a busy weekend!