Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday's Apps

Usually the apps I link here are Thursday's "Helpful" Apps. However, the category I am placing here today is "Time Waster" Apps-these are games I play in down time, like while waiting at the doctor's office or in the car when my husband is driving and my eyes are too tired to read. I actually have a segment on my phone labeled "Time Wasters" with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and some of the games listed below. Sometimes it helps to remind me that I will look up again in a few minutes and realize time has disappeared... Also, every so often I can find a fun game to try and it will be free, but as it gains in popularity prices appear/rise. Some below are still free, as well. So, I didn't pay the full price for all the games below, fyi. ;)

  1. Angry Birds-I have loved almost all versions of this game since it first came out. However, the one I play right now is seasons. I like to play the season we are in. I have played them all and achieved three stars on most on our ipad, but that was long before I got my iphone. Now I get to work on them on my phone. With multiple seasons for three different years, it feels like new. I wonder if they will update those this year... I don't care for the Star Wars or Space versions as well, but I don't have those on my phone right now.
  2. Another game/app I enjoy is Ski Safari. I played it quite a bit last year on the ipad, as well. Then, with winter approaching, I was in the mood to play this again and started on my phone. itunes has this to say about it: Ski Safari is where Animals, Avalanches and Action come together to create a new casual gameplay experience.

    Our deep sleeping hero has to stay ahead of a relentless avalanche that threatens the local mountainsides. Sven, as we like to call him, can use animals to aid his escape from an icey end. Each of the hillside animals have different attributes to make a speedier escape. Penguins glide further, Yetis are tougher, Eagles soar to great heights, each of these can provide useful advantage for Sven. Sometimes on the slopes Sven can find fast Snowmobiles which can ferry multiple animals a maintain a very high top speed.

    Staying ahead of the avalanche has its advantages and perks. Completing objectives can 'level up' Sven and increase his score multiplier. Riding animals, performing backflips add to the score and with an increased score multiplier Sven will rocketing up the highscore table with ease.
  3. I also play a variety of "with friends" games. They sync with Facebook and your opponents can be your facebook friends. I play Words Free/With Friends, which is like Scrabble, Scramble With Friends which is like Boggle, and Hanging Free which is like hangman. All are word games and I usually try to get to a game of each every other day or so since I'm playing against my friends. You can play them via facebook, too, I think.
  4. Tiny Wings is a fun game my girls and I enjoy every so often, too. Cute and simple. 
  5. I have other games that I don't play regularly, but every now and again I am inclined to try a game or two. These games include: Plants vs Zombies (I don't like zombies or the zombie craze that is popular right now, but this is a cute game involving some strategy, which a lot of the games I like to play do.) Bejeweled Blitz, which I can also play via Facebook with friends and family, Triple Town, Link That Gugl, Little Things which is a search and find game with great graphics, Search 60 which is also search and find but all in 60 seconds, Word Ladder and Cribbage Lite.

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