Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What I'm Reading Wednesday

My reading has changed a bit:

  1. I postponed Winter's Tale. So technically this book isn't "what I'm reading", it's "what I will read some other time". :) It was so big and so intimidating, plus I saw my time to read it before the movie was dwindling. Then I saw some reviews that weren't great of the movie. So, I gave myself permission to set it aside and pick it up again later, and rent the movie later. The book was good, it just took more attention than I had to give it these past few weeks. My mind and heart have been elsewhere. And let me say that I don't usually quit or postpone a book. I read it through, sometimes to the bitter end-a book I despise can drag out and make me dread picking it up, but I want to hope it might get better at the end. This year I gave myself permission to stop reading a book I dislike. Thus, two I've quit on and one I have postponed.  I must say it feels good. :) Are you a reader who wants to finish a book? Or a reader who gives themselves permission to set a book aside?
  2. I am still reading my devotional: The One Year Wisdom for Women Devotional: 365 Devotions through the Proverbs
  3.  I am also reading Jesus Calling. It's another devotional but from a different voice/perspective. I am really enjoying it!
  4. I have started a puppy book. I need to refresh my memory and work on being a better puppy owner/teach my dog better than I did the last two. I know looking back that Merlin turned into a wonderful dog, sweet and loving, but I didn't teach him as well as I could have and his first two years were very difficult. This time, I'm trying to prepare ahead of time and am starting with How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Beyond by Cesar Millan It is good, thus far, but I'm only on page 11. :) I have 2 1/2 weeks until Morgan comes home, so time to prepare. I bought two puppy books at the store. My youngest daughter wants to help this time around, so she can read these, as well. :)
  5. I am readinOur Greatest Gift: A Meditation on Dying and Caring by Henri J. M. Nouwen for my chaplain training. It is giving me new eyes, as well. I'm only on page 19 in this book.
  6. I would also like to start reading The Lost Lake, which is by Sarah Addison Allen, who wrote The Girl Who Chased The Moon and Garden Spells, both of which I really liked. This is her latest book and I am looking forward to reading it. I have it here in my "to read" pile.
I started the year well, tackling and finishing quite a few books, but then I slowed to a crawl and then stopped finishing them/reading. I expect to finish at least two of these books by next Wednesday. What is in your "reading" or "to read" pile these days, Reader?


Thimbleanna said...

Boy, what an interesting lot Jen. I hope things are becoming a little less unsure for you -- I know you've been worrying about your friend and I hope things are looking up for both of you.

Our kids have been pretty strict with their new puppy (which has made me worry about the kind of parents they'll be LOL), but the good news is that it seems to be paying off. When we saw him, he was a perfectly behaved little ball of fur!

molly said...

February?? Now I don't feel so bad! Lovely to hear from you --- I hope you start blogging again soon.