Saturday, February 15, 2014


We have been discussing getting a puppy. The rational side of me thinks of the work, the mess, the being tied to home, and general puppy stress, let alone the stress it could cause Percy... But the dreaming side of my brain looked at puppy pictures on Pinterest and oohed and aahed. I checked the local humane society, as well, looking for a young dog that would fit in our home. My husband held firm saying no to any puppy that crossed our minds... until a labradoodle/goldendoodle was brought up. He made the mistake of saying he'd take one of those aloud and the hunt began. We have been checking/calling/emailing local breeders, calling our vet and beginning to research. Dreaming...

1 comment:

Thimbleanna said...

Awww, you'll love it! My sister and son both have them and they're crazy about them. Our son had been neurotic about training their puppy and it's paying off -- he's better bahaved than my sister's dog. We'll see if it lasts. Have you seen the bermadoodle? I think they would be a darling dog to have too!