Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I find it so interesting to observe people's posts on Facebook/Twitter, etc. Today there were comments about what teenage girls were posting, how mean they were, etc. It's funny the tunnel vision people have, as in, their moms post the same sorts of things, and comments to each other. I've even removed one of these parents/ladies from my friend list. This mom who is commenting on why these girls say such mean things... Have you seen the political comments people post these days? It's not about being nice anywhere, anymore. It's the demand for people to see our perspectives or else. It's really frustrating. I've started posting only kindness quotes on Twitter and Facebook. I have started removing friends from Facebook for negativity-political or otherwise. I feel bad sometimes, but it's nice to log on and have something bring a smile to my face instead of making me cringe. My husband and I talk a lot about our tunnel vision. We see flaws in others, what do they see in us? We all have it. How do you teach that to today's youth to promote a generation of tolerance? The teens I see today have no such thing-well, the majority. I feel old as I read this post: "Kids these days" :) But, it is a societal shift away from compromise toward self-centeredness, a demand to be right. I learned in my high school government class that yes, we all have rights, but those stop when we step on the rights of others... but that isn't how we see it anymore, is it? Tolerance isn't just a "politically correct" frame of mind, it's a kind frame of mind... I'm sorry, I get frustrated and have considered logging off Facebook for a while, logging off social media. I'm sure I could get a lot more done. I won't see posts from family or pictures of their wonderful kids... but is it worth the sacrifice? I wonder if many people would? Thoughts, Reader? I hope you are well.


molly said...

I'm one of the holdouts. In spite of CaliGirl telling me it would be so much easier if I would just sign up....Stubborn, mule-headed Irish! But when I dug my heels in she found a way. I think FB has demeaned the concept of friendship. I'd rather have two good, real friends that be "friended" by hundreds. I think it's the easy way out for many people who don't know how to communicate face to face. It has its good points too, no denying it, but I can tune into all kinds of meanness and rejevction by turning on the TV. Why would I look for another channel. End of rant....

jkhenson said...

I couldn't agree more about the concept of friendship, Molly!