1. Albums for my girls. Soon enough they'll have spread their wings and flown from home. I want to document them while they're here with me, let them know all the things I most appreciate about them before I forget.
2. I have one more grandparent album to finish-it's on my list for today, but so are about a dozen other big projects.
3. I just bought the latest kit (let's hope this is one of those blog posts of mine that my husband skips, because I did it on a whim and haven't mentioned it yet!) from scrapscription. It's about birthday/party and my oldest turns 16 next week. I've been taking pics of her and our family to document her 16th birthday week. :) I thought the album would be a fun gift! (Although it won't be on her bday, hopefully it will be shortly after since these kits are easy to use and put together!) Now to get back to NOT BUYING ANY MORE SUPPLIES, unless I need them for a specific project... I need to get back on that wagon again. I still have a room full of supplies... I need to remind myself that I did really well last year-April to December! :)
4. I'd like to remove all my supplies from my office and reorganize it. I tried over winter/Christmas break but felt rushed and I just removed everything and put it back. I mean truly organize-new ideas in the works.
5. One of this week's (today's!) projects is to remove things from our fridge and freezers. We get a new fridge on Friday and I am so excited! :) Ours has given us trouble for a while. For one, it leaks and then the water puddles in the bottom of the freezer until it overflows, cascading out onto our wood floor, where it gathers until someone notices it (not good for wood floors)... and chips out the big plate of ice so it can happen again. The shelves inside have broken, over time, also. The buttons on the door are all broken, as well. Anyway, it's not the best quality and it can be frustrating, so I look forward to the new one. It was the perfect thing to put our Christmas gift money towards.
6. We need to paint our bedroom-it doesn't go with the decor very well. It's pale and bland. Ick.
7. I think I can list half marathon in the spring and full marathon in the fall under projects, can't I? :) Overall fitness? I have a goal weight in mind... a level of fitness that isn't too overboard but a goal.
8. Last week's completed projects were my bulletin board reorg. and finishing the scrapbook mystery book. :) And I have pictures of those. :)

9. I am reworking my resume and cover letter-a big project that is necessary and needs to be done within the next week.
10. One project I need to do, but am not sure how it will be accomplished, yet, it a filing system for home. I have folders on my desk, folders in a bin and folders in a basket. However, I think I need a new and better system. It's one for much later in the year when thoughts of "how" can evolve.
Do you have projects you'd like to accomplish this year? I hope all is well with you, Dear Reader!! :)
A fun and ambitious list Jen! I need to make a list -- as much as it bugs me to look and an incomplete list, I do feel it reminds me of things I want to do. Good Luck with your goals!
Ambitious lady! I made one resolution. Only one. Because resolutions are the rock I perish on....My one? To make something every day....sigh
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