The weather is absolutely delightful, a sunny 69 degrees. (Great grilling weather, if it wasn't for the "holiday".) This morning, when it was 43 degrees, I went running, and got five wonderful miles in. I was scheduled to have jury duty, went at the appointed time and two hours later the cases were taken care of, without the need of jurors, so I got to come home.
Reading the Lost Memoirs of Jane Austin, currently. It's good so far. Finished Coraline and yikes, it was scary. I was not sure if I mentioned that I was reading it with my daughter for her book club. The last 6 chapters were what nightmares are made of.
We tried a new recipe this weekend, while watching college basketball: honey garlic chicken wings. They were good, but not so delicious that I would want to eat them every night.
It is March and that means "March Madness", my favorite time in sports. My husband and I would order pizza late in the night while watching the first weeks of the tournaments in college. We have a tentative plan for him to come home for lunch on Thurs or Fri to see the games over subs. It is a fun time of year.
I'm still running and working on watching what I eat, especially during the day. When I'm home and not subbing, I catch myself snacking, if there are goodies available. It's helped that I've given up wine and chips for Lent-it has been hard, though! I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday, but am hoping to go for yoga this evening, as I enjoy the class and teacher so much.
My bluebirds are still around, but I caught sparrows going in the birdhouse twice today... I've gone out and emptied their nests. I feel guilty doing so, ruining their hard work, but am still hoping the bluebirds will be able to move in... My pictures from last week didn't turn out too well, I'm afraid, but here's the best one.
Speaking of outdoors, the sounds of children playing kickball in our front yard is coming in through the windows; a great spring/summer sound.
Well, I'm off to do my daily devotional/Bible reading. I hope you've had a wonderful start to your week!
1 comment:
Oooh, that Austen book sounds intruiging!
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