As I have previously mentioned, I am not a big fan of shopping. Shopping for myself is my least favorite shopping (unless we're talking scrapbook materials or books, the I could look for hours). And then there's the running items... You saw my watch and the joy I got from it. And my family's gift of running shoes that I loved. Thank goodness my husband spoils me. :)
Well, I got to get new running shoes today. Mine had over 600 running miles, not counting that I (this a big no-no in the running community:) wear them for my everyday shoes, too.... I couldn't get new shoes after hitting the 500 mile mark (the mark all sources say shoes are not good for running feet anymore) because I would need work at breaking them in for the marathon. Anyway, now that the marathon is over... I got some new, beautiful, comfortable, and did I mention new? shoes. :)))) They are orange. I like orange. :) They are great. Ahhhh. I might sleep in them....
Just kidding. :)
Here it is:

ohhhh i really like the new shoes. Isnt it funny what rules a community has that you couldnt imagine if you werent a part of it.. My shoes have never been Km tested..LOL
My hat, and coat and shoes, are off in awe of anyone including my daughter, who has finished a marathon. Just thinking about it makes me want to curl up and die....
Oh, I've been out of the loop for a bit (too busy with work and marking and things) and hadn't read about your marathon. Well done you! Sorry about your moles. Hope all is now well!
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