Monday, February 13, 2006


Well, my oldest daughter taught me to knit last Feb but I didn't really get into it until this winter. I have knitted scarves for my aunt, my mom, my sis in law, my mom in law and my two girls. My attempt on the girls' wasn't too hot, but they were first and they don't judge. :) I have enjoyed the basic knit scarf. One stitch top to bottom. However, my brother's wife came down and said, here's how you purl... Ahhh. It's been harder than I thought. I am working on it. :) I need to get scarves made for my grams, too. So, in the vein of informing, here are the basics to knitting and purling. It truly is relaxing. My mom cross stitches and with the pattern, counting, highlighting what is done, many threads, it can be hard, esp to do in the car! But knitting (at least a scarf with one basic stitch) is easier. However, I'm not attempting a sweater where counting and a pattern are also necessary!
Found this at:

How To Knit

wpe549.jpg (5681 bytes) CO= Cast On

Make a slip knot on the needle about two yards from the end of the yarn. (This amount varies according to the number of stitches to be cast on, but always allow plenty!) Holding needle in right hand, loop end of yarn around left thumb and hold it in the left palm. Insert tip of needle into loop on thumb, pass yarn leading to the ball around needle from back to front, draw yarn through loop. Slip loop off thumb and tighten stitch thus formed on needle.


wpe54A.jpg (6285 bytes) K=Knit

Holding needle with cast-on stitches in your left hand and second needle in your right, with yarn at back insert tip of right-hand needle into the first stitch from left to right, front to back. With right hand, pass yarn under and over tip of right-hand needle, draw yarn through stitch, and slip stitch just worked in off.


wpe54B.jpg (6435 bytes) P=Purl

Holding needle with stitches in your left hand and second needle in your right, with yarn at front insert tip of right-hand needle into first stitch from right to left, back to front. With right hand, pass yarn over and under tip of right-hand needle, draw yarn through stitch, and slip stitch just worked in off left-hand needle.


wpe54C.jpg (4976 bytes) Inc=Increase

Work the stitch as usual but do not slip the stitch just worked in off the left-hand needle; work again in the same stitch inserting the needle into the back of the stitch. Now slip the stitch worked in off the left-hand needle.

Another method of increasing is to knit one stitch in the back of the stitch in the row below, then knit the stitch above as usual.


wpe54D.jpg (4245 bytes) Dec= Decrease

If knitting, insert tip of right-hand needle into second stitch on left-hand needle, then into first stitch; work the two together as one stitch.

wpe54E.jpg (4124 bytes)

If purling, insert tip of right-hand needle into first stitch on left-hand needle, then into second stitch; work the two together as one stitch.

SL 1, K 1, PSSO

wpe54F.jpg (7411 bytes) SL=slip. K=Knit. PSSO= Pass slipped stitch over.

Slip stitch from left-hand needle to right-hand one without knitting it. Knit the next stitch. Insert tip of left-hand needle into the slipped stitch, pass it over the knitted stitch, and off needle.

Yarn Over

wpe550.jpg (4274 bytes) YO= yarn over

If knitting, bring yarn to front of work, over right-hand needle to back, and then knit the next stitch.

wpe551.jpg (3955 bytes)

If purling, wind yarn completely around the right-hand needle from front to back. and then purl the next stitch.

Casting on during work

wpe552.jpg (2964 bytes)

Turn work so needle to which yarn is attached is held in left hand. Insert tip of right-hand needle into first stitch, pass yarn under and over and draw it through stitch; leave stitch worked in on left-hand needle.

wpe553.jpg (3178 bytes)

Transfer new stitch from right-hand needle to left-hand, needle. Repeat for the required number of stitches, then turn work again and continue as the directions specify.

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