Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Social Media Monday

My Facebook post from Sunday after our long-awaited half marathon:
We all three had a great race at the Nationwide Children's Half Marathon! Husband and I PR'd (he did awesome-1:33:59 and I PR'd by two minutes - 1:45:05!) and Oldest Daughter completed her first in 1:48!! So proud! And tired! 

It was a long day, but we all accomplished it and I was extremely pleased that my injury didn't show itself until over halfway. Saturday night I told my husband that I was still shooting for my 1:45 goal. He looked at me like I was crazy due to this injury issue. I told him I had to think like I could make my goal in order to get there. 

We went down to the race, in increased security due to Boston, and waited for over 30 minutes in the very cold, and dark with 19, 000 others. I realized with about 15 minutes that I needed one more bathroom stop, but the lines were still long and there wasn't really time. So we started and then there were porta-potties at mile 2. I ran in to use them! And I still made my goal time! :))

I look forward to a run that is pain free-well, injury free, a half marathon probably won't be pain free, hm? :) But I was so proud of my husband and daughter and so happy to be able to do it with them. Now, onto recovering so I can get there again! :) 

1 comment:

Thimbleanna said...

Wow -- that's amazing! Congratulations!!!!